The hysteria around Cambridge Analytica, Facebook and private user data is reaching its firs climax, and one might believe that we all had agreed to hand over our first borns to Mark Zuckerberg. But let;’s start from the beginning: Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm with an admittedly doubtful reputation, has – as have done …
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In this collection we dive in what your pitch should contain, and what a VC wants to learn and hear about your startup. Read also the collection of items that you should NOT say at a VC pitch: What Startups Should Never Say During A VC Pitch. 1. Company Overview The VC wants to know …
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I’ve been listening through a number of startup pitches in Silicon Valley, both as observer, and to give feedback as pretend venture capitalist/angel investor (I will refer to them as VC in this article). The following is a list of phrases that startups mentioned at pitches from what I have witnessed or that I have …
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Category: Government, Startup
This was a question on Quora, to which I wrote the following response. And there are quite a number of things. The obvious are of course: Make it easy to incorporate (online, no or low registration fees, no need of go-between services such as notaries or lawyers, low or now capital requirements) tax breaks for …
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Dec 11
Why Startups Must Fail
Nine out of ten startups are failing, and this puzzles someone who is not familiar with startups or businesses. Creating a business is a risky move in every sense. Can you attract enough customers, is the location right, is your service or product attractive enough to have customers come and come again? The Product / …
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Category: Automotive, Innovation, Startup
The current unfolding of the Volkswagen cheat-scandal doesn’t miss out in drama. Millions of VW/Porsche/Audi-cars seem to be affected, recalls, multiple solutions, fines and damage payments, a sales decline, investigations all over the world, troves of people leaving, and now also Opel (a GM brand). We are just waiting for how more car-makers are involved …
View PostImagine you spent quite some time on designing and crafting a lamp and want to sell it, but you don’t know how much you should charge. You decide to hire a market expert. The market expert tells you that you can get $1,000 for this lamp and if you want him to sell it for …
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